Real Data. Real Results.

Every day we get asked, ‘How can we be certain we are saving energy and money?”  The truth is we monitor your equipment daily. We take action if we see a warning or get an alarm. More so, we look at the details of the equipment and if a something is running too long, or too short we take action to notify you.  Equipment runtime is provided in quarterly reports and compared across your entire portfolio. See Portfolio Post.

Occasionally, customers ask for a pre-metering phase so they can understand the baseline metrics of each store. This is a bit more expensive, but it does help you understand the amount of energy your critical equipment is using and how much money we will save you.  We never pre-meter your entire portfolio, but we will pre-meter up to three stores.

I wanted to share with you a recent pre-metering case study because it is homogenous to most of the portfolios using Small Box Energy’s chameleon™.  The estimated ROI for this portfolio ranged from 30-49% depending on the location and equipment used – after the managed service fee.

Below are metrics from three stores. This is real data; we just omitted the name.

Overall Energy Savings

All three stores experienced overall energy savings based on the pre and post meter data. Overall savings were achieved by reducing refrigeration defrost cycles and automating HVAC and lighting schedules.

Store 1 Savings

Overall, the largest reduction in energy consumption from this site comes from their refrigeration equipment. By eliminating unnecessary defrost cycles, our chameleon adaptable controller reduces energy, eliminates ice formation and maintains a steady inside temperature.

Store 2 Savings

For this site, the largest improvement was for the HVAC equipment. In most cases, we find employees override the system and forgot to set the temperatures back. With chameleon, the system is locked with limited override capability. This ensures comfort and conserves energy.

Store 3 Savings

This site also saw a large reduction in refrigeration energy use. However; not all equipment improved. For Store 3, we had to move the room sensors. While this increased the comfort, it also increased the run-time for the unit. Room balance and sensor placement will always dictate the run-time for the HVAC unit. Many times we find moving the sensors improves efficiency, where in this situation it did not.

To learn more about how we can help you, call us at 480-253-3999.

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